Heartland Monsoon Malabar - 250g

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  • Regular price £7.75
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Legend has it that Monsoon coffee was developed by accident.

The story goes that in the days of the sailing ships, coffee bound for Europe encountered humid monsoon rains while warehoused at port and en route to its ultimate destination. By the time it arrived the coffee had changed its characteristics completely, increasing to almost twice its normal size with changes to its texture, and colour to pale gold, and above all it had acquired a unique flavour and quality, with very low acidity.

Today the Monsoon processing is achieved under strictly controlled conditions, but the end result is the same.

This coffee stands alone as a uniquely pungent spicy, yet smooth and full flavoured coffee that is sought after by those who like a strong coffee, but not the acidic sharpness.

Best suited to cafetiere or filter brew in our experience, great for blending with more fruity and acidic coffees ie from Africa.